Welcome to Aces Fore Autism
Aces Fore Autism was founded by Harrison Frind, a 12-year-old from Westchester County, NY, with a mission to change the way autistic kids view golf and, more importantly, themselves. Harrison’s vision is to create a supportive environment where children with autism and other challenges can experience and pursue golf, making the sport more accessible, enjoyable, and inclusive.
Join us in supporting this incredible initiative and help make a difference in the lives of children with autism and other challenges through the joy of golf.
How to Golf
Aces Fore Autism Programs
Aces Fore Autism is a golf-related program helping autistic and other differently-abled golfers be better at the sport. Plans are in motion for our first clinics to happen in September 2024. So, I am excited to announce that after a lot of hard work it will be happening real soon!
For Ages
7 - 18
Skills, Drills & Fun Games
Coaches Trained in Adaptive Sports
Metropolitan Golf Association will have Coaches trained in adaptive sports. They will also be lining up courses and clubs will be available for all students so if you don’t have your own, you won’t have to buy anything.
Great Coaches
The program will make golfing easier to access, learn & play
New Skills
Have Fun
New Friends
Funds Donated to Charity
Support From Our Partners
100% of the money collected goes to charities like Metropolitan Golf Association so that they can continue to fund amazing programs like ours and ELS for Autism.
- Metropolitan Golf Association
- ELS for Autism
- Autism Speaks
Our Golf Course Facilities
Get Our Club Membership Now
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- One-time free training
- 100 free balls per day
- Course and facility access